Parker Tettleton – 2 poems


When Something Dies I Want To Get To Know It

In the middle of wherever we are we’re on a train with parents. There’s urine & brushes. The third sentence is legs begin how we cross ourselves. Furniture is still a destination.



Fresh Remote

The first sentence cautions another hotel room, waits for a green blink on a screen smaller than the other one—the other one doesn’t breathe a sound answering the asked. We consider one. The look out swallows the window. She responds & I respond & this sentence responds. It’s traveling. Why is quiet—where is a mask.




Parker Tettleton‘s a Leo, a vegan, a resident of Portland, Oregon. He is the author of the grocery-shopping-themed collection GREENS (Thunderclap Press 2012) as well as the chapbooks SAME OPPOSITE (Thunderclap Press 2010), OURS MINE YOURS (Pity Milk Press 2014) & co-author, alongside Riley Michael Parker, of the chapbook MAN SUGAR (Housefire Books 2014). More or less is here.



About gobbet

gobbet is a literary magazine dedicated to publishing the very best experimental poetry and prose. Intellectual perversity and explorations of dark themes are positively encouraged. We are only interested in work that is progressively experimental. We want to see risks, and we want to see them pay. No previously published work. Prose should not be longer than 1000 words. There are always exceptions. Send 3-5 poems. Include a short bio. Send submissions to Work will be published every 5-10 days. We also intend to publish anthologies of selected work published in gobbet. We will do our best to reply promptly. Most submissions will receive a decision within a month.
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